Technology and Innovation in Russian Mass Media

The article presents the results of research of Russian mass media as a reflection of public opinion but also as an actor who is influencing this opinion. The purpose of the research was to investigate what role the topic of innovation is playing in the mass media, what is the modality of the articles about innovations and how far are the innovations associated with social-economic factors. We analyses more than 200 000 articles on innovations that were published from 2005 till 2015. On the basis of Critical Technology Listing of Russian Federation we found out how far the listed technologies were present in the mass media and how fare they were associated with socio-economic factors. We came to the conclusion that a great attention is paid to those technologies which are promoted by the government and public programs. Despite the fact that the number of articles dedicated to the topic of innovation grow during all the years, it seems that there is no deep analysis of the topic, there is no clear understanding how the innovation influences the day to day life

Keywords: innovations, technology, sentiment analysis, analysis of mass media, social-economic factors, critical technology


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