Enhancement of research and development programs evaluation methodology in the light of international experience

The article compares international and Russian techniques for the evaluation of research and development programs and develops suggestions on their enhancement. The author argues that the simplified techniques commonly used in Russia do not provide proper basis for the appraisal and monitoring of the impact of research and development programs on innovative transformation of the Russian economy. As a result of this practice the budget expenditure on science and innovation is frequently non-efficient. The enhancement of efficiency of public investment in research and development programs requires emphasis on careful appraisal and monitoring of economic results of innovators using knowledge created and disseminated within program execution as well as seed and venture capital provided by state development institutions. The author justifies a technique for the comparative evaluation of research and development projects and subprograms based on a synthesis of the logic model of transformation of inputs into outcomes and impacts and a mathematical model of data envelopment analysis. The advantage of the technique is a necessary balance between program results evaluation areas (outputs, outcomes and impacts). The author demonstrates the identification process of the most efficient projects and subprograms at the formation and execution phases of the program via a solution of the linear programming model. The model affords to reveal the project/subprogram distance from the efficiency frontier of inputs’ transformation into outputs, outcomes and impacts

Keywords: research and development programs evaluation, international experience of research evaluation, optimization of innovative projects portfolio, key performance indicators


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