Mathematical model of search for the optimal variant of public funding of innovative economy development of a region

The mechanism of determining the minimum amount of government funding for innovative development and modernization of the region's economy on the basis of an expert assessment of its investment attractiveness is considered. An approach to the definition of a quantitative estimation of the development potential components of the territory and its innovative share-based allocation of funds through state programs is suggested. The key role of volume of the innovative component in each component of total development potential which is equivalent to the action of the component potentials separately with the full involvement of their innovative components in the business processes of the local area. As methodological tool the experiment scheduling algorithm which is based on orthogonal central composite design (OCCD) of the second order was used. The results of the study can be used in the future in the development model of regulating of the potential development through the institutionalization of financial and economic relations of the region

Keywords: innovative potential, investment attractiveness, innovative component of potential development, optimization of state investments in innovation


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