Science and technology parks - the concept of the fourth helix

In the article the point of view of authors that it is possible to consider as full-fledged science and technology park is stated. Science and technology parks of the Russian Federation are analyzed, to be brought their classification. The provision expresses that in the mechanism of functioning of full-fledged science and technology park all elements of a threefold spiral shall work: state, science and education, business (large and small). It is stated that the majority of domestic science and technology parks doesn’t correspond to this criterion. The most problem points in the Russian Federation is participation of large business in activities of science and technology park and small level of the state support to innovative processes. Offers on transformation pseudoscientific and technology parks in full-fledged science and technology parks are formulated. Author's version of science and technology park of the future is given in the final part. The thesis that in the long term science and technology parks will function on the principle of four spirals is formulated. Creative, potential of the buyer can be considered as an independent element (an additional, fourth element) in system of innovative development of society.

Keywords: science and technology park, innovative center, science and technology parks of the Russian Federation, the concept of joint value creation, theory of the triple helix, the concept of a fourth helix

