The article describes important stages in the history of higher education development in China. The article analyzes modern trends in the development
of higher education, namely, the number of higher education institutions by type, the dynamics of the number of general public and private universities, the
number of higher education institutions by provinces of China, the number of students in higher education institutions, the level of employment of graduates,
the number of teaching staff. An assessment of the quality of higher education in China over the past few years is given, which is a strong incentive to
create an innovative system of higher education. The article proposes an organizational and economic mechanism for ensuring innovative development of
higher education, taking into account the specifics of Chinese legislation and established practice based on the construction of innovative platforms that
involve certain processes and principles of implementation; creating an integrated environment based on the pooling of resources, establishing connections
between participants
Keywords: competitiveness, financing, employment, innovation platforms, innovation development tools.
- Analiticheskaya informatsiya i fakty: ofitsial’nyi sait / Statistika URL: obrashcheniya: 20.06.2024).
- Vypusk publikatsii po regionam, stranam ili ekonomikam i po nauchnym oblastyam: ofitsial’nyi sait / Nauchnotekhnicheskie pokazateli URL: (data obrashcheniya: 20.06.2024).
- Dokumenty. Otchetnost’.: ofitsial’nyi sait / Ministerstvo obrazovaniya KNR URL: (data obrashcheniya: 20.06.2024).
- Nauka i tekhnologii: ofitsial’nyi sait / Natsional’noe byuro statistiki Kitaya URL: (data obrashcheniya: 20.06.2024) —Tekst: elektronnyi
- Zhang, Zijun. (2024). Development of Higher Education in China. Lecture Notes in Education Psychology and Public Media. 39. 166-174. 10.54254/2753-7048/39/20240720.
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- Zhang, Zijun. (2024). Development of Higher Education in China. Lecture Notes in Education Psychology and Public Media. 39. 166–174. Proceedings of the 2nd International Conference on Social Psychology and Humanity Studies DOI: 10.54254/2753–7048/39/20240720 URL: (дата обращения: 20.06.2024) — Tekst: elektronnyi