The financial mechanism for ensuring investment activity in the Russian Federation is based on the application of various forms of lending to the economy,
on the use of models of public, mixed and private investment through budget investments and civil law contracts: leasing, subcontracting, investment partnership
agreement, etc. Recently, investment relations on the basis of concession and public-private partnership agreements have also become widespread. On the
part of the state, first of all, organizational and legal bases for investment activity are created, including issuance of budget credits, state guarantees and
obligations, special financial permits and licenses, registration of issues of emission securities, favorable legal regimes for investment. Of great importance is
the creation of special economic zones and financing of their development, creation of mechanisms for attracting private investment, determination of legal
regimes for financing targeted state programs, projects, special investment contracts in industry.
Keywords: public-private partnership, budget investments, private investments, concession, investment projects, capital investments, budget credit, exchange investment funds, investment platform, special investment contract, targeted investment program, crowdinvesting, digital financial assets, derivative financial instruments
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