Intellectual security of the nation: the state of the general secondary education system in Russia

The main idea of the proposed research is based on the fact that the formation of human capital and ensuring the intellectual security of the nation in the future is laid in the system of general secondary education. The study of this topic is especially relevant now, since in addition to the economic catastrophe threatening the country, there are risks of reducing the available intellectual potential in society and threats of a humanitarian and psychological nature are increasing. The younger generation is particularly vulnerable and susceptible to such negative impacts, and the education system, especially the secondary one, is designed to cope with these challenges. The article presents statistical data characterizing the main trends in the development of this level of education. Some comparative characteristics of the organization of the educational process in comparison with foreign countries are given. The existing problems are analyzed and possible ways of modernization of the secondary education system using innovative approaches are proposed.

Keywords: general secondary education, intellectual capital, intellectual security, teaching staff, innovative education


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