On the control system features in a stationary homogeneous production environment

The creation of homogeneous production environments (HPEs) based on innovative structural and organizational principles is one of the promising directions for the production structures development. The construction of such production systems can be one of the options for the industry transition to the level of management efficiency, increasing labor productivity, product quality and saving resources, that is required in modern conditions. Such systems consisting of elementary production modules are characterized by constructive uniformity, variability of structure and parallelism of operations. In particular, the article considers stationary homogeneous production environments with tools simultaneous adjustment. The equipment redundancy coefficient of a single elementary module and also the equipment redundancy coefficient of the entire homogeneous production environment are proposed. One of the possible options for the layout stationary HPEs with simultaneous configuration and an individual storage system on the plane and in space and also a variant of HPEs with specialization of elementary modules are considered. The study results can be used to build a model of a stationary environment with simultaneous configuration, for a general assessment of the HPEs performance and can also be taken into account by the developer in each specific case of solving an optimization problem

Keywords: production systems management, homogeneous production environments, elementary production modules.


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