The article discusses the importance of the process of forming an idea for an innovative product in the modern world. The relevance of the chosen topic is
confirmed by the need to implement an innovative vector of development both at the company level and at the state level. The authors present a graphical
model of an algorithm based on the IDEF0 information processing standard, which allows describing the logical sequence, processes of creating innovative
products in the form of block diagrams. The developed algorithm identifies key stages of idea formation and innovative product creation, as well as determines
the main tasks and problems that need to be solved at each stage. The novelty of the research lies in emphasizing the importance of a systemic approach
not only to creating innovative products but also to the process of forming and selecting innovative ideas. A methodology is proposed for more effective
management of the idea formation process. To form the final innovative idea, the authors present input elements, mechanisms, and management. The results
of the study can be used by innovative companies in the practice of developing innovative products to improve their quality and competitiveness in the
market, taking into account the specified criteria and required parameters, as well as by government bodies when selecting innovative ideas, including
for implementing measures of state support. In particular, the developed algorithm can be applied to automate the process of forming ideas for innovative
products using specialized software and artificial intelligence
Keywords: functional block, model, algorithm, method, innovative idea, management, IDEF0.
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