Methodological approaches to analysis of the socio-cultural domain of innovative entrepreneurship: from ethnosis to ecosystem

The study analyzes the main sociocultural approaches to innovative entrepreneurship based on three concepts: ethnicity, ethos and ecosystem. The ecosystem approach allows us to form the most objective picture of the sociocultural domain of innovative entrepreneurship of the selected infrastructure object (state, region, university, etc.). This is an important difference between this approach and the ethnometric and ethological approaches, which, as a rule, form one-sided «rigid» assessments, including using unverifiable arguments. The authors of the study proposed a three-story ecosystem model for organizing innovative activities. The developed model, due to its scientometric nature and methodological capacity, includes and subordinates the tools of all approaches, covering all the main management objects and all participants in the entrepreneurial ecosystem. The article shows that possible transformations based on the results of a sociocultural analysis of entrepreneurial activity may be associated not only with the borrowing or adaptation of «universal» Western patterns, but also with the creation of an alternative, sovereign national ecosystem of innovative entrepreneurship with an incentive structure based on positive local precedents. The research materials specialists can use in the process of developing various strategies for managing innovative projects.

Keywords: innovative entrepreneurship, sociocultural domain, ecosystem, ethos, ethnicity, patterns of entrepreneurial activity, institutional profile, economic model.


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