Comparative study of the Soviet and Russian models of innovation development

The article provides the author's view on the comparison of two models of innovative development using the example of the Soviet Union and the modern Russian Federation. The authors took as the basis for comparison the most indicative period in scientific and technological leadership of the USSR, from 1950 to 1980. For modern Russia, a thirty-year period from 1991 to 2021 was also chosen. The growth rates of funding for science and education, as well as the dynamics of the number of scientific personnel and patent activity, were chosen as comparison indicators. Despite the presence of a significant volume of publications on this topic, the authors managed to show their views on the comparison of two innovative models and the fundamental reasons for their differences. The main reason is the opposite economic basis of these two innovative models — socialism and capitalism. Both the advantages and disadvantages of the described models of innovative economic development were also identified and systematized. The research was carried out with funds from the Strategic academic leadership program of the Kazan (Volga Region) federal university.

Keywords: economy, innovation, socialism, capitalism, entrepreneurial motive, property rights, economic efficiency.


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