Digitalization of business processes as a tool for technological development of the region

Solving digitalization problems clearly implies the creation of an algorithmic basis for software and hardware solutions. In this process, all aspects of social activity are interconnected, both in business and in government agencies, as well as in all types of production and services. This process has swept the country globally since 2018, which affects the concepts of economic activity and most directly affects the daily life of everyone. In this study, the authors proposed a methodology for predicting a complex indicator of technological development in a region. Since in Russia each of the regions consists of a set of historically established federal districts that concentrate industrial potential, specialization and resources, using this division one can look for a solution, using as a criterion the total indicator of technological development with mandatory consideration of the requirement of proportionality of the progress of each of them. This will eliminate the possibility of negative scenarios when an imbalance will lead to a flow of resources to successful districts and the emergence of depressed areas, which in the long term will lead to adverse social consequences. The authors propose an economic and mathematical model that operates on the criterion of balanced technological development of the region when using digitalization of business processes as a regulatory tool. This will allow us to predict the dynamics of changes in socially significant indicators for assessing regional development. This process can be tracked most clearly if we rely on data on the entry of new districts into the Russian Federation.

Keywords: digitalization, technological development, regional economy, business processes.


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