Formation of cross-border innovation and industrial clusters in the EAEU countries

The article reveals the conditions for the formation of cross-border innovation and industrial clusters in the countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, justifies their leading role in the hyper-competitive and dynamic development of the economies of the Eurasian countries. The European experience of the functioning of institutions for the support and development of cluster initiatives is considered. The advantages of clustering and cluster MAR-effects are determined. A general model of the functioning of cross-border innovation and industrial clusters in the Eurasian economic space is proposed. The creation of a new institution — the EAEU Cluster Policy Council, which should become an integration, supranational body coordinating and regulating the common Eurasian policy of cluster development of high-tech industries of the economies of the EAEU countries, is justified

Keywords: innovations, cross-border clusters, Eurasian economic union, clustering effects, integration institutions.


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