Methodology for assessing the parameters of innovative activity on the basis of digital platforms

The relevance of the research topic is due to the transition of society to a new stage of scientific and technological development, expressed in the shift of interests towards digitalization, technical re-equipment, technological development, scientific research and development. The prerequisites for the formation of a new approach to innovations give rise to the need to develop a detailed methodology for assessing the activities of economic entities based on digital platforms, based on the existing tools of the theory of assessing the effectiveness of innovative activity. The purpose of this article is to expand the scope of scientific research in terms of assessing the parameters of innovative activity based on the achievements of digitalization. The objective of this study was to develop a methodology for assessing the parameters of innovation based on digital platforms. The authors have identified the universal properties of innovation activity based on digital platforms, on the basis of which the author's approach to determining the parameters of innovation activity based on digital platforms and a methodological approach to assessing innovation activity based on digital platforms have been proposed. The proposed methodology contributes to a better and more timely determination of the parameters of activities based on digital platforms for the development of the innovative component of the modern economy.

Keywords: digital platforms, innovation, evaluation parameters, digitalization.


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