Competence centers of scientific and industrial clusters dual-use as a mechanism for increasing the efficiency of implementation of complex scientific and technical programs (projects) of the full innovation cycle

The article is devoted to the peculiarities of the process of creation and functioning of Competence centers of the dual-use scientific and industrial clusters. A brief overview of the existing types of competence centers is given, as well as their comparison with centers of excellence is presented. Taking into account the differences in the interpretations of the concepts of qualification and competence, the features of competence centers in relation to advanced training centers are highlighted. The specifics of scientific and educational activities implemented by the cluster competence center, consisting in the completion of competencies required for the implementation of cluster projects and the formation of complex scientific and technical programs (projects) of the full innovation cycle, are outlined. Typical areas of activity of the competence center are given, which are considered as effective integration mechanisms that strengthen cooperation between cluster members

Keywords: dual-use scientific and industrial cluster, qualification, competence, competence center, center of excellence, comprehensive scientific and technical programs (projects) of the full innovation cycle.


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