Study of the strength of the foundations of engineering structures for the attenuation of the electromagnetic field in the city of Neryungri

In South Yakutia, in the «M» quarter of the city of Neryungri, the possibility of the method of remote inductive sensing of geophysics to assess the strength of a sandstone massif in a predicted water-saturated state within the sphere of its mechanical and thermal interaction with engineering structures has been proved. The physical basis for solving this problem is the study of the attenuation in the layer of annual heat exchanges of the harmonic high-frequency field of a vertical magnetic dipole. It has been established that the measure of field attenuation strongly depends on the strength of the sandstone, determined in the laboratory. Thanks to this connection, a probabilistic model was built for the entire city of Neryungri and a forecast was made of the change in the average values of the strength of a water-saturated sandstone massif with a relative error of ±20,3%. This error is almost equal to the error of the laboratory determination of the strength of samples of rocky-semi-rocky soils. The statistics of the results of applying the probabilistic model certifies that even in a water-saturated state, the sandstone massif remains the rocky foundation of engineering structures. In this state, with a probability of about 70%, the massif is classified as a category of medium-strength rocky soils with values of 17,55-50,95 MPa

Keywords: quarter «M», engineering structures, sandstone massif, strength, layer of annual heat exchanges, remote inductive sensing method, attenuation coefficient of the harmonic high-frequency field of a vertical magnetic dipole.


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