Economic and mathematical substantiation of the stability of multidimensional transport systems

The current state of the transport and logistics market of the Russian Federation is subject to serious destabilizing factors. The level of logistics costs is generally assessed as quite high in comparison with developed countries. The negative effect of serious sanctions pressure and, first of all, on the transport segment leads to an increase in logistics costs in the country as a whole by more than 20%. It is necessary to single out in the overall picture the share of the most important component for the budget of the Russian Federation associated with the movement of hydrocarbons, oil, and gas. Their costs are estimated at over 65% of the total costs. Thus, an integral factor in research should be taking into account the type of goods and cargo. Modern models of the logistics process operate with both discrete trade units and a continuous stream of transfers. It is also important to take into account that although the concepts of third-party logistics have already been formed, it cannot be considered as a business divorced from the production process.In this study, an analysis of the formalisms necessary for the development of the algorithmic basis of digital logistics platforms was carried out. In this case, the emphasis is on developing the conditions for the stability of the obtained solutions. This is fully consistent with the goals of the Industry 4.0 concept in terms of a sustainable digital environment and the task of maintaining the necessary level of counteraction to both external challenges and ongoing pressure, and the sharp competitive environment of the country as a whole.

Keywords: Industry 4.0, digitalization, sustainability, n-dimensional network, logistics, semisampling method.


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