Russian regions scientific and technological security monitoring: fine structure analysis

The article completes the series of works devoted to monitoring the scientific and technological security of Russian regions. At the previous stages, we analyzed the main aspects of scientific and technological security. In this paper, more subtle, but no less significant effects are considered. This process will be called the analysis of the «fine structure» of the scientific and technological security of the regions, which consists in taking into account the effects of the next order in comparison with the generalized monitoring model. The article focuses on two main aspects of such analysis. The first is related to the assessment of differentiation level of Russian regions, which is mainly seen as a negative factor, a threat to economic security. Unlike most works devoted to regional differentiation, the article considers it in the context of scientific and technological security. The second aspect of the search for patterns is the solution of the forecasting problem. To solve it, a comprehensive approach is proposed that combines quantitative methods, such as regression analysis, and qualitative methods, such as expert assessments. After theoretical reviews, the article presents the author's approach to the analysis of differentiation and forecasting the scientific and technological security of Russian regions, and then the results of such an analysis and their discussion. At the same time, the system of indicators of scientific and technological security of Russian regions and the corresponding base of their values for the period 2010-2020, developed in the first works of the series of articles, are used. for 82 subjects of the Russian Federation.

Keywords: scientific and technological security, monitoring of regions, search for patterns, differentiation, forecasting.


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