Overview of the directions for intellectualizing products and activities of the instrument-making enterprise

For instrument-making enterprises, it is expedient to define the development and implementation of AI technologies as intellectualization of products and management of enterprise activities or management of organizational and technological processes. Intellectualization, along with mechanization, automation and robotization, is one of the directions and evolutionary stages of scientific and technological progress (STP). Six main objective reasons for the need for intellectualization and seven goals for intellectualization (CI) for managing organizational and technological processes have been identified. Based on the goals of intellectualization given in the article, each product developer or a person in charge for management activities of an enterprise can determine the presence of intellectual functions that have already been transferred for implementation to software and hardware or can be transferred to them in future. Examples of intelligent functions implemented in sensors and signaling devices, actuators, regulators, decision support systems (DSS) in the fight for ship damage and in production management are presented

Keywords: intelligence, intellectualization, intelligent sensor, drive mechanism, regulator, intelligent system, intelligent functions, artificial intelligence, decision support, technical intelligence, technology, control, evolution, expert systems.


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