Competitive potential by the context of indicators of innovative attractiveness

The article discusses the methodology for analyzing the innovative development of the regions on the basis of measuring the innovative potential and competitive attractiveness for different stages of the innovation process. In order to identify the patterns of development, as well as the advantages and disadvantages of the innovation process, the regions of Russia are divided into equal typological groups in terms of innovation potential. In each typological group innovative attractiveness is considered in the context of indicators characteristic of various stages of the innovation process. The proposed methodological approach allows to obtain useful information for developing ways to increase innovative development in each of the subjects or their typological groups. The methodology for analyzing the innovative development is tested by statistical data 2018of Russian regions. The analysis of innovative potential has shown that 15 regions of Russia with a 30% share of the employed population have a high or increased level of innovative development in relation to the national average. Most of the other regions have spotty successes in developing their innovative potential and competitive attractiveness

Keywords: competitive potential, innovative attractiveness of regions, ranking and typology of regions, regions of Russia, indicators of innovative attractiveness.


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