Tools of institutional modeling for social innovation activity

The paper systematizes the tools for analyzing the institutional environment of social innovation activity and collate them with the principles of institutional modeling. That such tools as a multiparameter classification of social innovations, an institutional atlas, a matrix for evaluating the effectiveness, an institutional mechanism for the development of social innovations reveal the principles of institutional modeling has been substantiated. These tools is shown to be able to be used to model social-innovative development. The principle of limited action of social innovation institutions that shows the heterogeneity of the influence of the institutional environment on social innovations with different levels of the budget was proposed and disclosed. The algorithm of institutional modeling of social-innovative development that shows the use of the designated tools for institutional modeling of social-innovative development was described. The theoretical significance of the results obtained consists in expanding the principles of institutional modeling applied to social innovation activity. The practical significance is the development of a toolkit that allowed to apply these principles in practical issue to improve the institutional environment of social and innovative activity

Keywords: institutional modeling, social innovation, tools, algorithm


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