Strategic path of the programs supporting the innovation projects in the Russian Federation

The paper shows the strategic direction of development of assistance programs, which is associated with the paradigm of open innovation and the key role of corporate venture capital financing. In the first part of the article, a comparative analysis of the most well-known programs supporting the innovation projects was carried out and the main directions and trends in the development of international assistance programs were identified. A classification of the international support programs has been carried out and the limitations of the impact of these programs on the development of the innovation projects have been shown. In the second part of the paper, problems of the development of the international programs to promote the development of innovative projects in Russia are shown. Three main problems of development of the national innovation system development are shown — low mobility of commercial operations with intellectual property objects, low development of private venture capital, and low level of due diligence

Keywords: business-incubator, innovation project, venture capital investment, technology entrepreneur, transaction costs, innovation subjects, regional innovation system, catch-up economy


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