Digital information and analytical platform of scientific and technological activities in the Russian Arctic

In order to support the adoption of effective decisions on the development of innovative technologies and products adapted to the natural and climatic conditions of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation (Russian Arctic) aimed at intensifying the socio-economic development of the region, it is proposed to form a scientific and technological program to ensure a comfortable human presence in the Russian Arctic and to develop a digital information and analytical platform of scientific and technological activities in the Russian Arctic as the main tool to ensure the implementation of the program. The basis of digital information and analytical platform will be integrated information-analytical and expert activities, including foresight of technological solutions, in the form of an automated system to support effective decisionmaking process in the areas of scientific and technological development (group of innovative products and technologies) in the field of ensuring a comfortable human presence in the Arctic. This will consolidate the production and scientific potential of the Russian Arctic and focus this integral resource to the development of creation and implementation in practice of economic entities (stakeholders) the Russian Arctic breakthrough innovative scientific and technological developments in the field of ensuring a comfortable human presence in the Far North

Keywords: information and analytical platform, innovative technologies and products, Arctic zone of the Russian Federation, decision support


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