Coping mechanism of resistance to innovation in business digitalization conditions

The paper is devoted to analysis of resistance to innovation problem in organization in terms of active digital technologies development and penetration. The research is aimed at practical instrument elaboration of coping resistance to innovation in such organizations. The research was held in two stages: survey of Russian SME representatives was realized, and complex model of resistance factors was proposed. Based on results, key factors of resistance to innovation were identified: low level of personnel flexibility, ineffective communication system in organization, personnel incompetence, fear of the unknown (uncertain future), pursuit to personal comfort and convenience. In order to prevent and minimize these factors appearance in future special coping algorithm of resistance to innovation was elaborated, consisted of four steps: determination of resistance hotbed, identification of key resistance factors, establishment necessary practical instruments, and monitoring of organization results. This algorithm is recommended to be used in Russian and foreign commercial organizations, which face the problem of resistance to penetrated innovations from the side of personnel

Keywords: innovation management, resistance to innovation, digitalization of economy, innovation-oriented organization


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