Competence clusters as a tool for the commercialization of technological developments in the context of globalizationregionalization of the world economy

In the context of globalization-regionalization, the centers of competence (centers of excellence) are focused on the generation of knowledge and its rapid commercialization, possessing unique material, technical, intellectual and human resources, which can induce national and/or World leadershipin certain areas. These centers are a promising tool for activating high-tech innovation processes and commercializing technological developments in one or more areas of science and technology. Sequence of article presentation is the following: 1) a review of the literature, reflecting the innovative component of the processes of globalization, regionalization and cluster development; 2) areas of research whichare one way or another related to the competence centers; 3) the classification characteristic of competence centers; 4) Russia’s experience in the formation and development of competence clusters, including the example of the Kaluga pilot innovative territorial cluster «Pharmaceuticals, Biotechnology and Biomedicine»

Keywords: centers of competence (excellence), clusters, pilot innovative territorial clusters, globalization, regionalization


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