The National Technology Initiative (NTI) development: «Virtual design complex of vehicle bodywork basic structure» project

In this article the author describes the development stages of an innovation project – the virtual design complex of vehicles power frame using a digital design with topology and parametric optimization. The main results of the first stage of RTD (Research & Technological Development) are target matrix and upper level limitations creating. Based on this data the conceptual power frame of a pilot vehicle is designed. The special result is the preparation of templates and techniques that reduce design time by automating processes and minimize the probability of errors by reducing the human factor. The services provided by the developer using this complex will allow automotive companies to bring to the market customer-oriented and globally competitive high-tech products. For domestic companies, it will provide an opportunity to implement a strategic program for import substitution

Keywords: bodywork basic structure, topological optimization, parametric optimization, competitiveness, import substitution

