Features of the organization of relationship with consumers and sources of income of an innovative cluster

As a part of residents of the sectoral and territorial innovative cluster (STIC) it is possible to allocate two of their main groups: the participants generating the new scientific and technical decisions and the companies providing this process with the services accompanying successful innovative activity. Proceeding from mission of STIK which consists in formation of a certain combination of versatile conditions for development of innovative business by means of creation of organizational and technological and resource prerequisites for activization of development by its residents of high technology, production and the services demanded by the market, and provisions of the concept of business simulation, interaction of two specified groups of participants of a cluster can be considered as the relation of consumers and suppliers. Owing to specifics of an innovative cluster as special organizational and economic system the nature of this interaction differs from the usual contractual relations between legal entities. The features have also sources of income of a cluster. Results of the conducted research allow to offer methodical approach to forming of STIK business model elements which are taken out in the name of article

Keywords: sectoral and territorial innovative cluster, business model, suppliers, consumers, sources of income, relational contract


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