«Smart» digitalization of local innovation ecosystems of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation

Improvement of local innovation ecosystems and their infrastructure should be aimed at ensuring the flow of scientific and technological initiatives necessary for the sustainable development of the Arctic zone of the Russian Federation. The digitization of the innovation infrastructure is capable of activating the innovation processes in the absence of a localized block of knowledge generation through new search capabilities and the glocalization of «smart» technological solutions. The ability to transform these decisions into the life of cities, enterprises and society is the goal of a local innovation system. The Arctic regions need guides of knowledge (specialists of a high enough level) in order, on the one hand, to be actively interested in technological progress, on the other hand, to understand the problems of their city, enterprise, industry, region, and thirdly, to build relationships between them, create teams, attract investment and form projects with stakeholders. The training of such specialists requires the evolutionary development of secondary professional education organizations, a qualitative increase in their level based on network, distance and online technologies, the formation of professional schools of the new generation «College 3.0», collaboration with globally competitive centers of excellence and centers of competence. The provisions in the article express the concept of the spatial development of the Arctic regions of Russia: «smart» cities – «smart» region. In this context, the concept of developing the innovation potential of the Arctic regions consists in the digitalization of the local innovation infrastructure, the development of human capital, as well as the adoption of smart city technologies aimed at improving the quality of life in the Arctic regions

Keywords: Arctic, local innovation ecosystems, innovation infrastructure, digitalization, «smart» education, «smart» city


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