On the strategy of social and economic development of the Artcic region of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia)

The main challenges of socio-economic development of Arctic and Northern districts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), attributed to the Arctic zone according to the river basin approach, are given. Socio-economic development strategy of the Arctic zone is understood as a synthesis of industrial, socio-ecological development models and the creation of a new Arctic model of economy. Climate change is considered the hugest challenge for the preservation, development and settling of the space of the eastern Arctic. Industrial vector implementation will result in significant development of economic base of the municipal districts of Anabar and Yana rivers basins groups. Industrial development will follow the principle of rotational fly-in labor organization, the local population will predominantly preserve in the traditional economy employment. The demographic and social situation in the Arctic and Northern districts remains tense, the population continues to decline, unemployment and crime rates remain high. The socio-ecological development model implementation means improvement of state support in fisheries, reindeer herding, employment policy, education, healthy lifestyle modernizing, environmental legislation controlling, green and blue economies principles development. A new arctic model of the economy creation means finding by the state, science and society answers for «big Arctic challenge». Scientific research and climatic tests on the coastal area will be activated, and conditions should be created on all levels of governing for searching, testing and introduction of new life technologies and solutions, which are demanded by local communities and small businesses. Authors outline that sustainable development is impossibile without the leading role of the state

Keywords: socio-economic development of Arctic and Northern districts of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), strategic planning, Eastern Arctic, strategic model of regional development


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