Role of microenterprises in innovation development of Russian sub-regions

The main competitive advantages of small businesses in many developed countries are innovations. Innovative activity of micro-enterprises in Russia is not an object of regular reporting or special statistical surveys. Therefore, the purpose of the study was to identify the relationship of micro-enterprises performance with innovational activity of enterprises in the regions. As information sources are used Rosstat statistical monitoring materials and materials from independent researches. Units of observation are 80 subregions of the Russian Federation; research method used is regression analysis. The article focuses on the possibility of an indirect estimation of innovative activity of micro-enterprises in regions, the search for the factors and forms of cooperation which promote the development of the potential of this group of businesses. The result showed that the highest correlation with the rate of innovation activity has the distribution of the intensity of micro-enterprises, enhanced by a mediator, an electronic index of the region's development

Keywords: SME, microenterprise, innovations, innovational activity, electronical development index, regional development, regression analysis


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