Diversification, competences, problems and tasks. New opportunities

This article aimed at working out an effective mechanism of diversification and commercialization at the large companies, including military defense enterprises. Taking into consideration Russian and foreign experience the authors have come to the conclusion that a rapid growth of innovative production could be reached by purchasing innovative companies, employing specialists with innovative technological competences or buying innovative technologies at the market. The world economy analysis shows a strong possibility of creation new global markets in science and technologies, as well as in production in the nearest future. These markets will be actively interacted with each other as market of technological competences and market of technical problems and tasks. This analysis set up the role and place of technological competences along with the problems and tasks as new management objects. The authors defined new notions: «unique technological competences», «requirements of external innovations», based on problems and tasks. In addition to the term «core competences of companies», widely used in the world economic literature, new notions haves been suggested: «unique technological competences of group of specialists (team)» and «owners of problems and tasks» as the new management objects and subjects in innovations. It is determined that «unique technological competences» are the key elements of the Global excellence centers and the Global competitiveness centers. Quality and number of these centers within companies are the new main criteria of estimation of innovative development. Practical cases used in the article show that management systems of the abovementioned objects and subjects open new, so far not used, ways of diversification and commercialization. There are also some other new aspects in the article

Keywords: mechanisms of diversification and commercialization, new global markets, unique technological competences (UTC), requirements of external innovations, problems and tasks (PT), groups of UTC, owners of PT, management systems of new subjects and objects in innovations, centers of global excellence and centers of global competitiveness


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