The Influence of the firm’s size on the structure of innovative process

The paper aims at the analysis of innovation strategies (behavioral modes) of Russian depending on the size class. For the purpose of discovery of prevailing strategies, the decomposition of innovation process into components is made. This approach made it possible to analyze the structure and dynamic of change of behavioral modesand to identify the main innovation stages. In addition, the specification of elementary processes allowed to determine thestrategic choice of certain groups of companies during the considered time period. It is also demonstrated that the innovation activities of the Russian firms increase with the size class, up to a class with 100 to 199 employees. After this level, growth in size negatively affects innovative activity. The dynamic structure of innovation processes in small Russian firms consists of the combination of creation, modification and diffusion processes. The dynamic structure of innovation processes in large Russian firms consists of a combination of modification and diffusion processes.

Keywords: innovation, innovation process, the structure of innovation process, elementary process, size class


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