Priorities in infrastructure provision of the deindustrialization transformed national innovation system of Russia

In modern realities of significant restrictions of receiving of foreign high technology products and related technologies, the reindustrialization of the Russian economy will inevitably become the main strategic direction of its future development, which objectively determines the need for a serious transformation of Russian innovation system architecture and its infrastructural support. World experience and lessons of recent financial and economic crises strongly suggest that the formation of the modern infrastructural support of national infrastructure system (NIS), because of its multidimensional complexity and high cost, requires for practical implementation not only the standard economic approaches, but also, of course, the choice of a limited number of priorities in its implementation. In the context of reindustrialization of the Russian economy, in our view, these areas must first be the engineering and expert consulting components of the infrastructure support, as well as its component associated with the protection of the rights for intellectual property for the newly created and used in the future in the production. This is due to the fact that the deindustrialization of the economy in its modern interpretation is impossible without the transition of the national economy on a fundamentally different technology base and, in this context, will inevitably be based on the innovative type of development. In turn, an innovative type of development involves a continuous increase in the complexity and hightechnology production that objective requires a constant, ever more serious pre-production preparation to the production of a high quality new products. In this regard, there is real need for special earmarking of the preparatory stage in the process of production itself. In the pre-production phase should be carried out such tasks, prepares its own production itself as the prototyping of new sophisticated products, testing of prototypes and samples, certification serially produced innovative products, transfers from other sectors of technology that might be useful for its production, securing the rights to the newly created intellectual property and so on. All this of course should have the corresponding infrastructure provision, the effective functioning of which, essentially, will depend on the rate of re-industrialization of the economy and its innovative development. In this paper we consider the problems of functioning and proposed priority areas for the improvement in infrastructure provision of reindustrialization transformed NIS of Russia.

Keywords: deindustrialization, NIS, infrastructural maintenance, engineering and technical infrastructure support, the pre-production phase of the reproduction cycle, expert-consulting infrastructure support


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