Innovative Instrumentation cluster in St. Petersburg: myth or reality?

The role of clusters in regional industrial policy. It analyzes the main approaches to the identification of industrial clusters and provide a rationale for the use of these tools approaches on the example of the research cluster of St. Petersburg instrumentation. The results of the formation of Instrument cluster structure by economic activity, analyzed instrument-cluster structure, the calculation results of the cluster force on statistics of employment in the territory of Russia. Formulated especially the structure of the Russian instrument-cluster and defined regions of its localization. The analysis of results of financial and economic activities of enterprises the core of St. Petersburg cluster. The core of the cluster instrument making — is the enterprise that produce radio-electronic systems for naval equipment, aviation and space, telecommunications and enterprises producing «microcomplexes». Regions localization of the cluster companies are St. Petersburg, Moscow, Moscow region, Nizhny Novgorod, Kaluga, Ryazan, Penza Oblast and Tomsk regions. The main difference between instrument-cluster structure of the US counterpart — the presence in the industrial infrastructure of the cluster of higher education institutions. Instrumentation Cluster of St. Petersburg is the most significant with respect to other Russian regions, which means that enterprises localized cluster and have the greatest size of employment in the region. However, the enterprise cluster in St. Petersburg are characterized by low profitability, turnover reduction activities, and financial unstable situation. The main obstacles to the development of the cluster, are especially current system of state orders and the loss of cooperation between enterprises of the cluster

Keywords: cluster, cluster structure, instrumentation, localization of regions of financial and economic activity, the state order


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