Business Climate and Effectiveness of Regional Autority

Now the Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation researches entrepreneurship climate in regions of the Russia Federation. The Ministry plans to know how effectiveness the interaction between business and authorities, how easily to do business, how the level of corrupt authorities, how activity of business in state programmes. The business is putted more 40 questions, the answers is evaluated by the 10 number scale (1 - impossible, 10 - easy). In last year the Russian Public Opinion Research Center did such research. In 2014 the researches were done the associations of entrepreneurs. The survey was done on-line by the Electronic Chamber (National Business Network) and by personal contact with entrepreneurs. In last year the best conditions for business development were at South Federal Okrug, the worst - at North-Caucasian Federal Okrug. Then it was known the business estimate the activity of authorities to entrepreneurship as low. All estimates didn't raise more 5 number, mean quantity was 4,2. The expert of the Ministry said it is critical point. The author describes results of the research in 2014.


