Review of analytical models of diffusion of innovations in the process of technology adoption

Linear and non-linear models of innovation diffusion are considered in the article, their comparative analysis is made, and a model based on chaos theory is presented. There are quite a few studies in the field of technology adoption, but at this stage they all remain theoretical, since the diffusion process is influenced by many factors that are currently not calculated by numerical methods due to the insufficient accuracy of existing models. The purpose of this work is to describe and analyze previously created models, based on this, taking into account limiting factors and proposing a model that allows for more accurate calculation of diffusion. The objectives of this work are analysis of the history of the creation of models and their models themselves, identification of patterns, as well as consideration of a previously unused modeling method. The model proposed in this article points to the problem of the lack of research on the applicability of chaos theory for modeling the processes of diffusion of innovations, hence it follows that this work can be used for further study of this field of knowledge.

Keywords: innovation, diffusion of innovations, linear and non-linear models of diffusion of innovations.


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