Goal: to reveal digital solutions that are advisable to use in the design of production subsystems of modern industrial enterprises capable of ensuring
import substitution and technological independence of the domestic economy.
Methodology of work: during the study, digital technologies are consistently disclosed, which allow to optimize and automate the key functions of the
production subsystem of the enterprise in accordance with the author's procedure for its design.
Results: in accordance with the recommended design procedure for the production subsystem of the enterprise, digital solutions are disclosed in the
field of automation of marketing functions, research and development, design and technological preparation of production, organization of main production
activities, logistics. The comparison of the composition of actions that should supplement the process of designing the production subsystem when mastering
the possibilities of digitalization in the considered areas made it possible to identify some general factors and circumstances, the feasibility of taking into
account which is appropriate when implementing almost any innovation in this area. Following the recommended template of typical changes in the design
procedure will most likely avoid miscalculations in the practical implementation of innovations in the practice of building these systems.
Conclusions: The presented variety of both already known and used in the industry digital solutions for designing elements of the production subsystem,
as well as new systems and software complexes, the development of which is just started by individual advanced users, opens up wide possibilities in optimizing
the formed future image of the enterprise. Obviously, it is difficult to recommend the continuous use of all the digital systems considered for mass use.
At the same time, the possession of information about their existence and functionality will help solve problems that occasionally arise in the work of the
production subsystem of various enterprises, as well as in its design and reengineering
Keywords: production subsystem, production organization, digital technologies, organizational design.
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