This paper analyzes the prospects for further development of the northern territories of the Russian Federation not only through further industrial
development, but also as a result of the intensification of areas of activity that are equally important for ensuring the development of their economy, society
and culture. Tourism is considered as such a field of activity. In Russia as a whole, the contribution of tourism to GDP in the period from 2017 to 2023
fluctuates at the level of 2,4-2,8%. Strategic documents for the country's development provide for an increase in the share of tourism in GDP to 5% based on
the creation of new tourism infrastructure, the emergence of new destinations, and the selection of effective types of tourism for the development. Strategies
for the development of tourism in the regions identify promising areas that will increase the contribution of tourism to the process of socio-economic growth.
The prospects for the development of tourism in a particular region are analyzed based on materials from the Magadan region, which received subsidized
support from the national project «Tourism and hospitality industry» in 2024. The analysis of a survey of subjects of tourism activity in the city of Magadan
carried out during the work made it possible to formulate the view of the tourist community on the state and development of the tourism sector, to identify
the prospects and problems of the industry. In the conditions of the Magadan region, natural resource potential and the inclusion of the Magadan port in
the Northern Sea Route system are considered as a basic resource for tourism development. Various countries, which are generally competitive in the world
market, today consider tourism as a significant alternative to successful strategic economic development and consider tourism as a comprehensive tool for
increasing income, a resource for employment, and restoration of natural and cultural resources. The exclusive role of modern tourism lies in the fact that it
is potentially the only attractive replacement for closing manufacturing enterprises, extraction of raw materials, trade and many other areas of business.
Keywords: tourism, tourism development strategy, socio-economic development, tourist infrastructure, types of tourism, Northern Sea Route, Magadan region, economic security.
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