On the basis of a brief review of foreign and Russian authors' works devoted to the concept of the national innovation system (NIS), conclusions are
formulated regarding a number of failures in the formation of the State innovation policy due to the traditional approach to the analysis of knowledge flows
on the basis of the institutional structure of the NIS. The limitations of the functional approach to the study of the NIS are considered, and the discrete
nature of innovation support measures based on the analysis of knowledge flows within the NIS is noted. The paper describes changes in the typology of
innovation that largely determine the new values of knowledge flows and show that scientific knowledge in new forms becomes the driving force of economic
growth and the main source of competitiveness in the global market. The paper evaluates the new approach of «complex innovation policy», which in foreign
literature has been called «innovation policy mix». The applicability of the «innovation policy mix» approach to the stimulation of innovations at the micro
level is substantiated. In conclusion the main advantages of the organisation of programmes and tools of «innovation policy mix» in the format of a digital
platform are formulated.
Keywords: innovation, national innovation system, innovation policy, knowledge flows, innovation process, innovation policy mix.
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