The subject of the research is the spatially heterogeneous innovation activity carried out at the regional level in the United States. The analysis and
assessment of this activity was carried out using indicators of rating of innovative development and integral indicators of the level of innovative potential
and international innovative cooperation of regional innovation systems of specific states. The high correlation dependence and interconnection of the
above indicators in combination with the indicators of the innovation economy of the US states made it possible to substantiate the spatial unevenness
of the innovation activity of these systems and to assess the integration and, at the same time, the different-level differentiation of these systems, in the
context of the heterogeneity of the innovation space of the United States, corresponding to the «centre-peripheral» principle. The final typological grouping
of regional innovation systems of the US states, based on the log-normal distribution of the average values of indicators for the period 2015-2019, results
in their qualitative diversity, reflecting the spatial unevenness and heterogeneity as economic phenomena that determine the innovative activity of the
United States
Keywords: innovation activity in the United States, integral indicator of the level of innovation potential, international innovation cooperation, spatial unevenness, spatial heterogeneity.
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