Multi-factor model for calculation of financing in IT infrastructure in the conditions of digital economy

In order to increase the efficiency of infocommunication technologies implementation in the executive bodies of state power of St. Petersburg, as well as state government institutions of St. Petersburg subordinate to them, St. Petersburg State Treasury Department of Information Technologies and Communications is carrying out a centralized procurement of technical assets. Currently, the city has an acute problem of timely renewal of IT equipment due to lack of funding in this area. The downward trend in funding continues from year to year, which is catastrophic for maintaining the city's IT infrastructure in working order. This entails a decrease in labor productivity of employees of government bodies, and in some cases – the complete impossibility of fulfilling their assigned tasks. Within the framework of this study, to solve the current problem, a mathematical model has been developed that allows to determine with a high degree of reliability the amount of funds required to maintain the operability of the IT infrastructure and calculations have been made on real data for St. Petersburg. The results of applying the developed model are a convenient tool for determining the required funding and improving the efficiency of infrastructure management within the region

Keywords: digitalization, informatization, centralized procurement, budget financing


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