Assessment of the development of the technology transfer mechanism in the regions of the Russian Federation based on the integral innovation

Despite the preservation of Russia's leading positions in a number of science-intensive areas, there is a lag behind the world leaders in terms of innovative development. An integral part of the development of any state whose path is directed towards innovation is technology transfer. At the same time, the effectiveness of innovation depends on the quality of passing through all stages of technology transfer — from fundamental research to implementation of the results. Due to the peculiarities of the administrative-territorial structure of the Russian Federation, there is a high differentiation of the regions that make up it, according to the level of socio-economic development, which significantly complicates the process of innovative development of the country. The purpose of this study is a comprehensive analysis of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation in the context of all stages of technology transfer, the results of which will reveal bottlenecks in the process of technology transfer at the regional level, as well as identify the strengths of the leading regions. To achieve this goal, foreign experience was studied, a methodology for assessing the level of development of technology transfer was determined, as well as a set of indicators characterizing each of the stages of technology transfer, all the necessary calculations were carried out, their interpretation was carried out and recommendations were prepared based on the results of the analysis. To assess the level of development of technology transfer, an integral index of innovative development of regions was calculated, which includes 6 stages of the transfer mechanism. The analysis revealed significant differences between the regions in terms of the level of technology transfer development, due to various factors (historical factor, geographic location, regulatory support of the innovation sphere, etc.). To solve the identified problems, it is necessary to use foreign experience in technology transfer in a market economy, to ensure the integrity of the entire chain of the technology transfer process, to conduct monitoring at all stages of this process to identify growth points and bottlenecks, special attention should be paid to the regulatory framework of the technology transfer process

Keywords: technology transfer, regional economy, innovative infrastructure, innovative activity, science, innovation, technology parks


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