Types of territorial forms national innovation system of the USA and their concentration in urban agglomerations

Based on the typological approach, territorial forms of the national innovation system of the United States that were formed under the influence of certain conditions in the American socio-economic space are identified. The study of the territorial structure of the national innovation system of the United States in the context of the selected types of innovation complexes has shown the spatial heterogeneity of the innovation process taking place in the country at present, due to an extremely high degree of concentration of R&D in urban agglomerations of the United States. This structure corresponds to the national and regional trend of integrated development of the American innovation economy, spatially represented, first of all, by various forms of scientific and industrial integration (universities, research centers, science and technology parks, etc.), forming, together with the system of agglomerations, the territorial framework of each us innovation complex

Keywords: national innovation system of the United States, territorial forms of the national innovation system, innovation complex, urban agglomerations, urbanized territory, territorial structure, research and development (R&D)


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