Technique for quantitative assessment of similarity degree of trademarks

As the title implies the article is devoted to development of the technique, allowing to solve a problem of determination of confusingly similarity degree, which is defined only by an expert way that significantly reduces degree of reliability. The main idea of the article is that each subsequent entered database element should not reduce resolution capability of the database. The most important place in the scientific article is given to the procedure of obtaining quantitative criteria of similarity indicator. It is spoken in detail the estimation of biological and resolution capability of the database similarity coefficient. The author notes that the confusingly similarity can be established even on the basis of similarity only on one attribute. At the end of the article the author sums up that the developed technique for quantitative assessment of similarity degree of trademarks taking into account psychophysiological capabilities of potential consumers allows to increase objectivity and reliability of examination of the registered designations on identity and similarity, to reduce time of search and the analysis of registered trademarks, to increase the speed of conducting examination. The article is of great help to intellectual property expert groups and scientists in the field of intellectual property research

Keywords: trademark, intellectual property, resolution capability of the database, similarity coefficient, examination, psychophysiological capabilities


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