Financial and institutional model as a tool for analyzing the state support for engineering projects

The article is devoted to the methodological issues of developing a financial and institutional model for project evaluation in business planning. The patternof the National Center for Engineering and Catalyst in Novosibirsk used. The structural elements of the model are shown, allowing to take into account the impact on the NPV and budgetary efficiency of variations in the technical and economic parameters of the project, as well as state support scenarios. It is verified that the simulation mode model allows to choose a version of government support measures in the region where the project is located. Indicators of the project’s commercial and budgetary efficiency become mutually acceptable for the state and business. Increasing the NPV of the project and reducing the tax burden will stimulate the participation of shareholders from the areas of production, science and education. Consolidation of investment resources of private business and the state will increase the likelihood of combining the commercial and national economic efficiency of the project to create a catalytic cluster

Keywords: project, efficiency, model, Novosibirsk, cluster, conditions of state support, tax burden


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