Situational analysis in the processes of strategic planning in the field of national security

The article discusses the possibilities of applying situational analysis in the processes of strategic planning in the field of national security of the Russian Federation. Strategic planning as a cyclic sequence of interrelated processes is usually described in stages: super task – goal-setting – monitoring – analysis – strategy choice – strategy implementation – control (in particular, with feedback formation during the analysis and control stages). From the point of view of the study of the role and applications of situational analysis in these processes, two complete and interconnected management cycles are distinguished, which can be conditionally called "planning" and "realization". The information structure of the threat to national security, aimed at monitoring, identifying, forecasting, analyzing and assessing these threats, is grounded. The main subjects of strategic planning are considered and the main approaches to their interaction are determined. The presented provisions can be interpreted as a conceptual plan for including a method of situational analysis in the processes of strategic planning in the field of national security

Keywords: strategic planning, situational analysis, management cycle, information threat model


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