Forecasting the effectiveness of cross-sectoral integration of applied research and development of new technologies

The types of cross-sectoral integration of applied research and development of new technologies are systematized, the corresponding effects are qualitatively described. We prove the necessity of R&D cross-sectoral integration (in the interests of different industries and types of equipment) feasibility quantitative assessment. The approaches to measuring the degree of industries and types of equipment technological community, and to the allocation of leading and recipient industries among them are proposed. We elaborate a simplified «soft» economic-mathematical model of the complex of R&D (in the interests of a set of industries) cost. By parametric analysis of this model, the conditions are revealed in which the inter-sectoral integration is most effective or, on the contrary, practically useless. These conditions relate to the technology parameters required in the merging industries, as well as the cost structure of R&D

Keywords: pass-through technology, research skills, technological community, effectiveness, «soft» modeling


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