Innovation as a concept of state policy of the Russian Federation

The article offers an analysis of the legal conception of innovation in the framework of the state policy of the Russian Federation. The relevance of the article is determined, according to the author, by the fact, that a clear and unambiguous fixation of the essence of the complex and multidimensional phenomenon "innovation" in the system of public administration is a necessary condition for the effectiveness and efficiency of the state policies in this area. The author formulates the hypothesis that understanding what an innovative economy is has been a significant changed in the dynamics of public policy Russian Federation. Methodologically, the work is based on the content analysis of the ideas of Presidential Address to the Federal Assembly Russia 1994-2018 years, and legal documents regulating the sphere of innovation. Author highlights the main stages of change in the understanding of innovation as an element state policy

Keywords: Innovation, public policy, legislation in the field of innovation, innovative economic, innovative activity


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