Science and technology parks: opportunities for use of a functional/goal typology

On the basis of existing research and analytical literature and expert interviews with representatives of owners/ management and residents of science parks in Russia, China, Singapore and the United States, authors developed a new typology of science and technology parks. Its difference from the existing ones is in the focus on the functions of science and technology parks as parts of regional and national innovation systems and corporate value chains; and on the goals imputed to the science and technology parks by government stakeholders. This typology supports more correct analysis of science and technology parks` processes, results and effectiveness, as well as new options of public policy optimization. General information on the main parameters of existing science and technology parks is presented. Following the model assumptions, science and technology parks are divided into 4 basic functional/ goal categories (with some international cases presented and pointing on limitations for Russia). Among them are parks focused on supporting regional growth through employment creation (by supporting technological small and medium enterprises); parks supporting interests of technological development / import substitution of industries or large corporate entities; parks ensuring the formation of globally competitive companies with unique technologies for existing markets; parks capable of providing breakthrough technological development

Keywords: science and technology parks, innovation policy, innovation systems, value chains


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