Estimation of the sustainability of the innovative development of the regional industrial sector

The tense international situation and the need to improve the competitiveness of our country based on the introduction of high-tech products make the problem of assessing the level of sustainability of the innovative development of the industrial sector at the level of subjects of the Russian Federation particularly relevant. This article offers the author’s method of calculating the index of sustainability of innovation development, complementing the existing approaches to assessing the sustainability of innovation development of business systems. The purpose of the study is the assessment of the sustainability of innovative development of the industrial sector on the example of the Nizhny Novgorod region. The study is based on the methods of statistical analysis, as well as the methodological principles of a systematic approach, suggesting a holistic view of the problem under study. In the course of the study, an analysis of modern approaches to assessing the sustainability of the innovative development of business systems was carried out, which resulted in identifying aspects that need to be refined, taking into account the proposed method of calculating the integral integral system-based innovation index of the industrial sector in the region, including an assessment of the investment attractiveness of industrial enterprises innovation-oriented financial component, innovation performance and innovation asset regional industrial sector. The results of testing the developed methodology are given on the example of the Nizhny Novgorod region. Conclusions about the need to increase the level of innovative development of industry at the level of subjects of the Russian Federation were made, a list of measures aimed at improving the effectiveness of innovative activities of the industrial sector of he Nizhny Novgorod region was formulated. Practical application of the developed methodology in conjunction with the already existing approaches will allow identifying the factors hindering the increase of the competitiveness of the regional economy of our country through the transition to a new development model based on the development and implementation of innovations

Keywords: region, innovative development, index of innovative development, sustainability of innovative development, Nizhny Novgorod region



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